The natural state of children is happiness. Then life happens and you take on all kinds of expectations for how life should be. There are difficult times as well as uncertainty. Social pressure puts a tremendous strain on the state of mind of most people. All of this contributes to the lack of happiness in so many people. With a little bit of a shift in perspective you could live your life with more happy moments and this contributes to some amazing things that will happen.

Here are some amazing things that will happen when you seek out happiness.

1. You will see your life shifting to bring in more positive things.

You may think that first you need the good stuff in life, and only then can you be happy. Try the opposite approach. Be happy for no reason and see how more positive things start coming your way.

2. You will feel more beautiful and love looking at your smiling reflection.

Look in the mirror and try a non-expressive look and see how it makes you feel. Then put a huge grin on your face and see what others see when your expression and mood is one of happiness.

3. You will look more lovely to others that see you as you radiate positive energy when you are happy.

A happy person emits rays of energy that is magnetic and pulls people in. Watch and see what happens when you enter a room smiling, and the difference when you enter without a smile. It really puts people more at ease as well as makes you feel good.

4. You will be treated better by others because they will be drawn to mirror your happy state.

When someone is unhappy it rubs off on those around them. People try and stay away from unhappy energy and are drawn to help and serve those that have joy emanating from them.

5. You will find that your happiness makes you want to take good care of yourself.

Perhaps you will choose healthier food, work out, and dress in clothing that makes you feel good.
Happiness can be learned. It is not as if some people are born happy and others not. The book “The Happiness Project” is a great start on the journey of leaving unhappy moods behind and embracing a life with more joyful moments. You will reap the benefits right away.

Another way to life your spirits and help you feel happier when you’re feeling down is to listen to a great uplifting piece of music. This helps make you feel happy. The one we have been hearing non stop always works!

Being around happy people contributes to your state of joy as well. Seek out people that lift your spirits and you will find yourself happier. When you are around people that are not in a happy state for a good part of the time you are together it’s a lot harder to maintain the happy state you want.

So go for it. Do whatever it takes to get into a happy state. Read, music, happy people, gratitude. That’s a start!

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