Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tony Robbins Why Some People Take Massive Action and Others Don't!

Above is video transcript of the most important points. You will save 38 minutes of video watching time by reading the notes but still I recommend you to watch the video also as it has tremendous value, plus the video has multiple other even more valuable points which were hard to write down.

Few notes from the “Why Some People Take Massive Action and Others Don’t” video:

People buy products and other stuff but they don’t do anything, they don’t follow-up with the material and they don’t get results. What’s up with that?

And why people who are fat can’t stop eating the things that make them fat – even though they know that what they’re eating is making them fat! Same happens in the cases where doctor tells someone has lung cancer and they still won’t stop smoking cigarettes even though they know what the right action would be.

What’s up with all this? Why this happens…? Why people don’t follow through?

It all comes down to fear.

But you have to leverage it to a fact that what your life will be if you won’t follow through?
What makes people excited is progress.

If you had a gun to your head and you would have to make money in the next 48 hours – what would you do? That resonates for the people who takes massive action. They are in the MUST situation. If you aren’t in that situation you are in the desire situation where you are ok but you still have big dreams and ambitions but it’s not yet pushing you to a point where you will do what ever it takes to master something.

What pisses you off and what excites you is all relative.

You must feed your mind everyday with role models and the things you want, that takes you closer to a breakthrough. It creates a little ritual which you’ll do everyday and eventually you get momentum.
You must know why it is a MUST for you. It doesn’t have to be that you are against the wall but rather you must be HUNGRY for something to achieve. If you are not hungry for that then get around people who are hungry and it will hit you. Because you will notice that “my life kinda sucks” when you see other people who have it all better.

Remember you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Your income is also the average of the 5. So think about that, you might want to seek different people to hang out with. That changes your standards and makes you want more. From that you will automatically start to change your daily rituals and will get momentum on it and grow and grow.

What makes people to take action, one word that describes it is CERTAINTY. When you are certain that something that you do will get you to there or will get you something awesome you will absolutely do it, for certain!

If you want to read the full script, please refer to the link too and share it with your friends:

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