Tuesday, 30 September 2014

5 Ways to Attract Money by Joe Vitale!

Joe Vitale reveals 5 simple techniques you can use to start attracting more money into your life today using the law of attraction.

Lesson No 1: Forgive yourself or give yourself a break; Lesson No 2: Hypnosis- power of the mind and awaken from victim mindset and start to attract more money from positive energy; Lesson No 3: Smallest gestures carry greater weight- do with your heart, give away and as result of ripple effect greater things start to happen; Lesson No 4: Appreciation- appreciate what you have and gratitude will attract more success and money; start to feel happier and lighter with genuine sincere feelings; Lesson No 5: Don't lean on the past- learn from experiences and move on with new life; failures are stepping stones to next phase of your life to succeed by doing something different and don't let yourself locked into the failure or negative mindset.

Please share it with your friends and family and have an amazing week!



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