Thursday, 31 July 2014

How to Create Habits That Stick?


Have you ever attempted a new skill or committed to a resolution, only to give up after the first few days or weeks? If so, you aren’t alone. Nearly everyone has failed at sustaining new habits.

Failing at habit creation doesn’t mean you aren’t disciplined. You just need to learn a new way to work on a habit so you're successful.

Learning the skill of habit creation is not difficult, but it does involve some very specific, scientifically-proven steps to form and sustain many new habits for a lifetime.

Imagine being able to commit to a regular exercise program, change your diet, learn a new language, start a meditation practice, or master an instrument — so that the habit becomes natural and automatic.

My friend and habit expert Barrie Davenport has created a program to help you do just that. It’s called Sticky Habits, a 6 week self-guided course presented on a member’s only website.

Starting with just 5 minutes a day, you’ll master a habit while learning the proven method for creating habits.

If you're someone who likes to learn and wants to undertake new habits, this course is a must. Barrie takes you through every step of building new habits, as well as replacing bad habits. And you won’t believe the line-up of amazing experts she interviews for the course.

Learn the skills of habit creation, and you can change your life entirely.

What if you could . . .

- lose 20 pounds

- write a book

- learn an instrument

- meditate daily

- declutter your home

What if you could accomplish any or all of these things, or something else you want to achieve, easily and completely?

P.S. Course registration is for a limited time. She’ll close the doors in just a few days, so now is the best time to sign up.

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