Monday, 30 June 2014

DISNEY'S LESSON NO 1: To laugh Yourself Is To Love Yourself. – Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse'


'Knowing how to laugh at yourself instead of blaming for your own weaknesses will make you happier. No one’s perfect after all'

Watch this SPACE! Valuable Life Lessons from Disney Movies: Each day for next 23 days- Receive your Inspirational Quotes

  Disney movies

I love movies and I am sure we’d all somehow influenced by Disney Films as we were growing up. Did you realize that there were life lessons behind some Disney movies?

Here’re 23 inspirational quotes, one from each day from Disney films that will teach you the most valuable life lessons!

Please watch out and check out my blog!

Part 2: How to Set & Achieve Any Goal You Have in Your Life?

I hope you enjoyed the Part 1 of this video and started to follow on John's steps and mostly started to believe in yourself to be the best you can be!

As promised, please listen to the Part 2 of John's video on setting big goals and how to condition your mind, beliefs and habits in order to achieve them!

We all have so many dreams and passions, and we need to first of all identify and ask 'WHY' you want to set these goals and to achieve them in your life time. Then develop the beliefs every day, make sure you the right strategies, tactics and processes in order to have a mind map to visualise your end goals. The law of attraction is vital here and most of all the whole journey should have a coherent approach over all in order to attract the righ resources, tools, people or plan.

You don't attract what you need, BUT you attact WHAT you ARE!

Please share your comments and share with anyone you think that might benefit from these lessons. I love to hear from you.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

PART 1: How to Set & Achieve Any Goal You Have In Your Life?

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend and have a fun packed days planned out with your loved ones and friends! So I will keep this short- I came across this amazing powerful video from John Assaraf, a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of PraxisNow, a brain-research company that creates some of the most powerful evidence-based brain retraining tools and programs in the world.

If anyone is very keen in setting up some really big goals in any part of their lives, should listen to this Part 1 of the Part 2 series of how to go about setting up goals and achieve them, but he's also touching on how to change our beliefs and habits. which ultimately the 2 fundamental things will stop us in our tracks towards success!

Stay tune in for the 2nd part of the video on Monday and please share your thoughts here and let's help each other in reaching the goals, where we always thought they were beyond our control, experiences or skills!

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Thought of the Day: Forgive Yourself and Let Go Of Self-Judgments!

We are human beings. We take wrong turns, we make mistakes and we fall short. And through it all, we learn, we make amends and we grow. And then we simply must allow ourselves to move beyond our regrets and our disappointments into the warm light of self-forgiveness.

Tonight let go of any self-judgments or critical thoughts that keep you stuck in the past, and sleep your way towards the morning. Another chance to give it a go will be waiting for us tomorrow.

I've just came across this during my travels today and when I read this I thought of all of you and would love to hear if any of you consistently go through this every day and how you fight to combat this and overcome?

Have a great evening!

Your Friend
Jana Thanga

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Thought of the Day: Your Personal Motto- Have you written one yet?


Companies have mottos, a phrase that communicates their product, their unique selling point in a catchy, snappy way. So what about you? Do you have a personal motto?

Having a personal motto can be a useful reminder of what's important and it can help you keep your chin up when things are tough.

If you don't have a personal motto, develop one. Adapt an existing famous motto or create something original or special, something that captures and reflects who you are and what you believe. Place it somewhere you can see it every day - first thing you get up in the morning and last thing when you go to bed!

I would love to hear some of your own mottos and what you have come up with- so please share yout thoughts here or share the post so your friends can benefit from this.

Have a lovely day everyone and keep believing in yourself and keep smiling!

6 Things Socially Successful People do Differently

8 years ago, I realized that something in my life had to change. I was tired of spending evenings and weekends on my own and promised myself to build a powerful social circle with a lot of close friends. The only problem was, I had no clue of how to proceed. So I started analyzing socially successful people to learn what they did differently. What I have found out has had a significant    impact on my life and now I share these with you. This is what I found out.

                                        Socially Successful People

1. They Focus on Their Positive Traits, not their Negative Ones

When you see socially successful people, what is one trait they all embody? They have self confidence. I started to realize that self confidence is something anyone can build up over time. These people have flaws like anyone else. But they are aware of what they actually do well.
There's a huge power in focusing on your positive traits. When you do, you begin to form a healthy perspective of yourself. This will give you confidence you need to become more outgoing around others. As an exercise, if you had to list five positive traits about yourself, what would those be? Give these traits some thought every day.

2. They Live in the Moment, Not in Their Minds

Have you ever entered a party, and felt like there were pairs of eyes watching every move you made? When we experience this, we become very self aware and nervous. To counteract this, when you attend social gatherings it's important to "force your mind out of your head". When you detect that you're wondering what others think of you, start asking yourself questions about the people around you instead. "How do these two people know each other?" "What is she working with?" "Where is he from?" In a study, people who were instructed to focus on their environment reported feeling much more self confident.

3. They are Outgoing

To become socially successful, you will have to take the initiative on occasion. Even if you're not naturally born a social butterfly, being outgoing is something you can learn. Instead of waiting for someone to invite you to a party or gathering, find groups that interest you. Many cities have groups based on occupation, hobbies, religion or other interests where you can join to meet others. This is a great first step out of your comfort zone. When you do this, have confidence in knowing that others attending the group may have the same social anxieties as you do. Once you find a group, it's important that you stay persistent and attend meetings regularly. The more you attend the more comfortable you will feel being there.

4. They are Adventurous

If you want to become more socially successful, it's important that you open your mind to try new things. By trying new things such as taking a cooking class or learning karate, you expand your horizons, you acquire new skills and you meet people in the process. This is an excellent way to enrich your life and grow your social circle as a result. Is there something that you are interested in doing but haven't tried yet? Try to realize that interest.

5. They are Great at Helping Others

Another trait that many socially successful people have is that they are willing to help others. Whether it's finding volunteer opportunities or finding ways to help their friends, socially successful people are willing to go that extra mile. If you're better than others at something and use your skills to help others out, people will respect you for it. You shouldn't help people for the sake of making friends - then you risk coming off as needy. Help people because your skills would actually solve the problem they're having.
What skills do you possess? In what way could you use these skills so help others? When you're seen as a helpful person, people will become increasingly willing to give back. In that way, helpfulness is often a win-win.

6. They are Authentic

Simply, good reputations attract people. People of good character aren't quick to judge, they won't talk poorly about people behind their backs, they follow through on their commitments and they are friendly to others. When you practice these behaviors, others will notice your authenticity and this will make you more attractive as a person.
You've probably been in the situation where it's tempting to talk down on something or someone. Try to resist that urge. If you refrain from this behavior long enough, the urge will eventually go away - it's no longer part of your personality to talk down on others. People will trust you more with their thoughts and secrets as you're seen as a reliable person.

In Summary

Ultimately, these six steps are good mental approaches you can take to improve your social life. While you won't experience an overnight transformation, these tips can help you develop the mindset needed to improve both your life and to help you gain more friendships.
Author Bio: David Morin is an entrepreneur at Social Pro Now
I can definitely relate to this too as I used to hiold onto negative thoughts, past mistakes and once I started to embrace new ways of living like going out more in making new circle of friends and contacts or in pushing the boundaries in becoming more adventurous and in living for the moment, spear-headed my way of life into a whole different path.
Please share and comment as I would love to hear from you:

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Dr John Demartini: Life's Lessons and Order of Values We Hold

This was one of the first videos I watched of Dr John Demartini's on life's important lessons and how each of us decide and hold our dear values and the hierachy of values (7 in most of one's life) dictate our life's destiny! We go after the highest values in our life and go after that passion or dream and lowest values tend to make us procrastinate on things every day of our life. He's showing this through an example of marriage and relationships. 'Purpose of marriage is to find someone we can delegate the crap too'! ....just watch the video fully to understand this quote from Dr John.

The video was put together by Daniel Priestley- the well known author of 'Become A Key Person Of Influence'.

If you can relate to any of the thoughts raised by Dr John, please comment and share this video with your friends. 

Monday, 23 June 2014

10 Promises You Must Make To Yourself


Success is directly related to the thoughts that you have in your head. But thoughts aren't enough. It also comes down to the action that you take. When you combine positive and constructive thoughts with action and discipline, you're well on your way to achieving your goals. Today, we have a guest post from Zak Khan from Daywriter who shares with us 10 promises you must make to yourself to live a successful and fulfilling life.



Enter Zak

The idea behind making a promise is to be a man or woman of your word and honor such promises. It not only defines you as a person but builds a level of trust and discipline within yourself which in turn contributes to your self-image and confidence. Below, I outline 10 promises you must make to yourself in order to live a successful and fulfilling life.

1. I promise never to give up

It's not an easy promise to keep but giving up is the same as taking the easy way out which isn't the route to be taking. Trying and failing is better than failing to try. There are lessons to be learnt from both failure and success. The only way to experience and learn these lessons is through your will to keep trying and never give up.

2. I promise to stay true to who I am

Chances are you will be faced with decisions that will test you. These tests may require decision making that could define the person that you are. It is at times like these that you remember Who you are, the values you stand for and the teachings of your elders. Don't lower your standards, stoop low or attempt to be someone you shall dislike.

3. I promise to respect and be trustworthy

Respect and trust are 2 features that strengthen the bond of any relationship. It is the bonds we have that keep us grounded, remind us of our humanity and hold us up when we are destined to fall. Respect and Trust is but a 2 Way Street - what you give to others is what others will give to you.

4. I promise that I will love without holding onto baggage

Heartbreak and betrayal is hard to avoid as a whole, we're all bound to experience it a few times in our lives but it is these past memories of heartbreaks and betrayal that should not influence the way we give our love to those in our present and in our future. Leave the past where it belongs - In the Past!

5. I promise to pursue my dreams

Dreams are what gives a person purpose, without them we are just wondering around aimlessly. It's saddening and disheartening to meet so many people that give up on their dreams and never being able to grab the opportunity again. If you have a desire and passion for something, go and get it, live your dream and live happy.

6. I promise not to be a control freak

It's sort of compelling and obsessive to try and control everything in your life, make sure everything goes according to the way you plan it but don't forget that the greatest of planners is God. You can't control every single element in your life because all it does is kill any room for spontaneity.

7. I promise to have fun

We get so caught up in everything else that we forget what it feels like to simply have fun. It's why we remember life as a kid being so wonderful compared to being an adult. Have fun - do the things that make you laugh hysterically or scared out of your wits. Let loose and Live.

8. I promise to celebrate small wins

Yes, we work so hard on the bigger picture that the small things we accomplish are just brushed off. Celebrate every little win and accomplishment and give meaning to them. It's in these little victories that we are able to get up after every fall and continue walking on.

9. I promise to believe in myself

If no one else will, why don't you? The biggest investment you can ever make in life is the investment you make in yourself. Things may not always pan out but the beauty of it is that you will never lose out on the person that you are. Work at believing in your talents, your great qualities, go out there and seize the moment. You have 1 life, spend it believing in your abilities and achieving everything you put your mind to.

10. I promise to always cherish my loved ones

Life alone is lonely....if that makes sense. We as humans together create a complete team. This team creates new members and so forth. We are all dependent on each other to exist, most importantly, the family and ones you love. Treat them with love, respect and honor. Cherish these people you have in your life, there are people out there who don't have anyone.
Share and start to live your life, in taking chances every day and be happy:

Sunday, 22 June 2014

ROBIN SHARMA: How I Beat Procrastination?

Welcome to lazy Sunday blog! I hope everyone's enjoying the great sunshine we've been blessed with to be outdoors and enrich our life by doing something exciting and fun!

I don't know about you, but I have gone through procrastination for a period of time during my 30's, in fear of changing my life for better, fear of failure on my start up venture or just putting off (or finding excuses) on some life changing activities every day. I am happy to say that I am finally battling this through by changing my mindset and by implementing these vital steps where Robin Sharma's sharing with you in this short video! It's all about doing little things to change your behaviour and to start off with coming up with your own Magnificient Mission Statement and Dream Collage!

Robin Sharma shares his insider tactics on beating procrastination and getting big things done. It's time to destroy distractions and take control of your time.

I would very much love to hear from your own experiences on how you won over your procrastination woes or to share your thoughts or any other effective ways one can over come this fear of changing one''s life for better.

Have a great Sunday and let's start another wonderful productive week tomorrow! If you love this video ,please share it with your friends!

Friday, 20 June 2014

How To Avoid Suffering By Changing Your Mindset

No one likes to suffer.
So why are so many people displaying signs of suffering? Stress, anger and regret are common emotions that you feel on a daily basis. As much as we try to avoid them, we always end up bringing the negative feelings in.
Leo Babauta has an effective solution for this problem. In his latest blog post, he highlights how to detect and avoid suffering. By doing this, individuals can regain control of their wavering emotions.
Perhaps the most shocking concept that Babauta covers is how unhealthy eating and lack of exercise are linked to suffering and fear.
The reality is, self-compassion can hurt a progressive mindset. It can dampen the truth, making individuals believe things that can hurt their future.
Are you experiencing suffering in your life? How are you addressing these negative issues? Let us know what you think.

Let’s hypothesize that there’s a substance that’s been irritating you and causing problems in all areas of your life: it causes you to be unhappy, to be stressed, to procrastinate, to be distracted, to be angry with people, to be dissatisfied with your life, to be overweight and unhealthy, to not exercise or eat healthy, and much more.
Horrible substance, right? Now imagine there were a salve that could ease the bad effects of this substance, and make all those other areas better.
The substance is real: it’s your suffering. We all suffer, in small and large ways, every day. And it causes all the other problems I mentioned.
The salve is also real: it’s self-compassion. Which sounds too fluffy for most people, but it’s a concrete practice that will have concrete benefits, in all areas of your life.
Let’s take a minute to explore suffering, and what would happen if you applied the salve of self-compassion.

The All-Pervasive Effects of Suffering

We don’t always think of ourselves as suffering, if we’re leading normal lives. But in fact, we’re suffering more often than we usually realize, just not necessarily suffering greatly. We suffer in small ways, and that affects our happiness, the happiness of those around us, and our actions and habits throughout the day.
Some examples:
  • Stress: Throughout the day, things come up to stress you out, from a new thing to add to your workload to someone criticizing you to the housework not being done. This is suffering, even if it’s usually at a low level (though sometimes it can get to high levels). The salve of self-compassion would reduce this suffering, and allow you to deal with these events/situations more calmly, increasing your happiness levels throughout the day.
  • Frustrations: Little frustrations happen all the time, from people not doing things right to traffic being congested to not being able to figure out why software isn’t working right. This is also suffering. Self-compassion can help you calm down from the frustrations, and handle the situations appropriately. You’d be less angry when you responded, which is likely to result in better outcomes.
  • Anger with others: Someone has pissed you off — your kid just won’t listen, your spouse has said something critical, your boss is being a total dillweed. You’re suffering, obviously. This can result not only in unhappiness, but in actions that hurt your relationship with others, your career, your marriage. Instead, apply self-compassion, and you can calm down, respond appropriately, even with compassion for the other person, who is also suffering.
  • Feeling bad about yourself: There are a million reasons we feel bad about ourselves, from failure to body fat to hopelessness in bad situations. This too is suffering, and it causes us to take harmful actions, like comforting ourselves with food and shopping and alcohol, not taking action, not believing in ourselves. Self-compassion eases this pain, and leads not only to more helpful actions but happiness.
  • Feeling rushed: There’s often a feeling throughout our days that we need to rush to the next thing. Walking, we go quickly. Working, we switch constantly to the next communication, next tab, next super-urgent-can’t-wait-do-it-now task. This feeling of constant urgency is itself a source of stress. Self-compassion can ease this as well, and allow us to slow down, enjoy the moment, be happier in each moment.
  • Distraction: We live super-distracted lives, wasting huge parts of our day. Distraction is a symptom of suffering — we go to distraction because of fear (we’re afraid of harder tasks, of missing out, of failing) and we think distraction is comforting. In turn, distraction tends to increase suffering — we feel bad about ourselves, we procrastinate on important things and make our jobs and lives worse, etc. Self-compassion helps us see this suffering, ease it, and reduce the tendency to distraction.
  • Procrastination: We all procrastinate, on work, on writing our great novel, on learning a musical instrument, on exercise. Procrastination, like distraction, is a symptom of suffering, of fear and thinking we can’t do something. Self-compassion can help with that suffering and reduce procrastination, increasing our creative output, helping us to take care of finances and work tasks and decluttering and all the things we know we really want to do but aren’t doing.
  • Not exercising: This is a specific form of procrastination, and so is a symptom of suffering. It also shows how procrastination can cause more suffering, as a lack of exercise leads to worse health, which leads to the stress and pain of disease. Self-compassion can help us start exercising mindfully and joyfully.
  • Unhealthy eating: We tend to eat unhealthy things because we are afraid of vegetables and not eating junk, and because we need to comfort ourselves from other suffering, and because we think we need the crutch of temporary pleasures. We don’t. Self-compassion eases this suffering and helps us to be OK with not eating Pringles and donuts, with making our bodies feel better.
  • Lack of gratitude: Much of our lives are spent in silent complaint, or sometimes not so silent. We are so unhappy with little things in our lives, which is a form of suffering. These complaints mean we’re missing out on what’s great about our lives. Self-compassion helps us to deal with the pain of these complaints, and instead turn to the amazing things we can be grateful for, which increases our happiness with life all around us.
  • Lack of mindfulness: Most of our lives are spent in distraction, unmindful of the present moment. This is a form of suffering, because if we weren’t suffering we could stay in the present much of the time, fully appreciate the moment as it happens. Instead, we’re thinking about the future because we’re worried about it, we’re obsessed with the past mistakes we’ve made. Self-compassion can ease these worries and obsessions, and instead practice mindfulness with each moment more often.
I could go on forever, because suffering takes many forms. But you can see the pattern: self-compassion eases the pain of the suffering, reducing the bad effects and allowing us to choose more helpful ways of living.
Let’s turn to a method of self-compassion.

A Self-Compassion Method

This is a method you can practice through a daily habit, to help with suffering in all forms:
  1. Notice your suffering, in one of its many forms.
  2. Turn towards the suffering, see it as it is, feel it fully, experience it mindfully and in the moment.
  3. Accept the suffering, instead of trying to ignore it, avoid it, push it away, kill it. Accept that it’s a part of life, a part of you, but temporary.
  4. Wish yourself happiness, wish for an end to your suffering. Give yourself a mental hug, comfort yourself.
  5. Let go of what’s causing the suffering. Just release it, or put it aside. The cause is likely something you wish were different. Instead, appreciate things as they are. Be present with reality.
  6. Be grateful for the reality that’s happening right now.
This is not always easy to practice, and so I recommend a daily session where you turn inward for a couple minutes, and practice without the distractions of daily life. You’ll get better at the self-compassion habit with practice.
But it’s worth the practice. The salve of self-compassion can change your entire life.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Never Quit : If you haven't failed, then you haven't truly lived- DON'T GIVE UP in having an amazing life you truly deserve!

I would love to hear from anyone who has faced adversity and challenges in their lives and now have overcome those obstacles in leading a great life style and improved their quality of life in every aspects. I am a true example of this too!  Please share your ideas and tips so that others can follow on your footsteps.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Recharge Your Passion


Bring your person or professional vision to life, one adventure at a time

David Niu

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
Can you relate to this quote? This is one of the top five regrets that people have on their deathbed as documented by Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse. This quote resonated deeply with me and inspired me to take my careercation (career + vacation).
Up until late 2012, I had been sprinting for over 10 years with a pedal-to-the metal mentality as an entrepreneur. I had launched two successful startups, but was completely burnt out. I had been doing all things that others have expected of me—getting the right degree and becoming a successful corporate executive and entrepreneur.
So when I told friends and family that I sold all my possessions and bought one-way tickets for my wife, our 10-month-old daughter and myself to travel around the world for a six-month careercation, everyone thought I was crazy. Yet, if I didn’t jump in with both feet and take that trip, I wouldn’t have created amazing family memories and have been inspired to start TINYpulse to help leaders improve retention, recognition and results.
While not everyone can sell all their possessions for an around-the-world trip like I did, here are a few tips that worked for me to recharge and to find personal and professional passion.

Write It Down

Numerous studies have shown the psychological benefits of keeping a journal. As busy entrepreneurs and leaders, our time is valuable, and it’s easy to make excuses about being too busy to journal. The irony is that if we don’t keep track of what’s been keeping us so busy, how can we know what we have accomplished?
In my case, journaling helped me organize my thoughts for my book. During my careercation, I interviewed more than 30 CEOs and found that a common pain point for all of them was managing people. I wouldn’t have remembered this if I hadn’t documented all the interviews, or have been inspired to launch TINYpulse. Journaling also helped me remember the stories so that I can share them with my kids and inspire them to live lives true to themselves.
For the next two weeks, I encourage you to start journaling for 10 minutes each day. You’ll be amazed at all the things you will have accomplished in just two weeks, and it’ll inspire you to focus on the important and not just the urgent.

Paint Your Picture

I’m a firm believer in setting a clear vision. During my “careercation,” I wrote down what my personal and professional visions were going to be. I’m a big fan of Cameron Herold, the author of Double Double, and he recommends creating a “painted picture” with vivid details of how you envision your life three years from now, both professionally and personally.
Once you’ve created your vision, work backward and create tangible goals that will help you reach this vision. A vision doesn’t have to be five or 10 years; that’s too far into the future. Three years is digestible enough for you to tackle one goal at a time. This painted-picture approach allowed me to take my journal thoughts and boil them down into themes and goals to shoot for.

Share It

Once you have established your vision, whether in the form of a painted picture or otherwise, share it with everyone around you. You may feel overexposed and vulnerable by doing so, but you’ll also be more successful because sharing builds accountability to yourself. Each quarter I reiterate my painted picture with my TINYpulse staff. By doing so, I’m making sure that my staff is clearly aligned with the direction of my company.
Another great benefit of sharing your personal or professional vision is that so many people will want to help! For example, if you share that you want to run a marathon before turning 40, then friends can point you to organizations or others who’ve accomplished that. Or if you are looking to start a restaurant in your neighborhood, letting others know might get you introduced to someone who is looking to sell their restaurant. At the end of the day, if other people don’t know what you’re striving for, it’s hard for them to help you.

David Niu is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and author of Careercation: Trading Briefcase for Suitcase to Find Entrepreneurial Happiness. His company, TINYhr, and its product, TINYpulse, helps hundreds of organizations like Hubspot and Amazon get a pulse on how happy, frustrated, and burnt out their employees are before retention sinks and issues fester.
- See more at:

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Tony Robbins On How To Build Momentum For Success

How To Build Momentum For Success
A few days ago we discussed the reason why Tony Robbins believes the rich get richer and poor get poorer. What he did was sketch 4 boxes on a notepad and explained the reasons for why the successful keep having success and the unsuccessful do not. This article is to further discuss his 4 box diagram in order to get a better understanding of how to build momentum for your success. If you haven’t seen the video already, I highly recommend you click on the link above before reading any further.

Build Momentum For Continuous Success

Holy Grail Of Certainty And Momentum


Unlimited Potential
In the video, Tony Robbins states that the potential for any human being is there and that the “market has already proven that”. The problem however resides in the fact that most people already have a predetermined belief about what their true potential is.
They may believe that their true potential is not on the level of greatness or that their ability to succeed is lower than that of someone else, when in fact they are just as capable. The solution is to believe, to truly believe that you’ve got as much potential as someone who’s already been successful.


Taking Action
You must take action! If you have the potential but take no action, you get lousy results. Get your foot out the door and get dirty in the mud, or else all hope is lost. No matter how much potential you have, without action there is no success.
You must believe that you have a lot of potential in order for you to be willing to take a lot of action. A person who already believes they have the skills to be one of the best soccer players in the world will work harder than someone who is already putting limitations on themselves.


Desired Results
If you take little action, you will receive lousy results. Even if you take a lot of action but you don’t believe you have the potential, then your results will simply confirm your beliefs.
In order to get the results you want, you must first believe that you have a lot of potential in order for you to take the massive action required to get the desired results.


Positive Belief
People do not believe in their own potential or the fact that they’ll one day become a success story. Without the belief, people begin to tap into even less potential which causes little action and therefore awful results.
You must ultimately believe from the bottom of your heart, your guts, and your instincts that you have the potential to be as good as anybody else. You must admit to yourself that it is inevitable you will be successful one day. That is the only way to have sustained belief.
You can build momentum for success starting today. Start thinking of periods in your life where you had absolute belief in yourself, things you excelled at, times when you took massive action, and moments when you got the results you so desired. Now combined all those memories in your life and tell yourself that no step is ever impossible to achieve. You’ve been successful before; you sure as hell can do it again!
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
~ Muhammad Ali

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Ten Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

                                       ten ways to improve your quality of life
Marcus Vorwaller at the Best Tool For The Job blog has finished his series on ways to improve the quality of your life. The titles themselves give you enough to think about.
1. Think daily. Meditate. Call it what you will but spend time each day alone with your thoughts. This surely isn’t the first time you’ve heard that advice, there’s a reason for that! There’s also a reason that this is the first step in the list. Doing the other things in the remaining nine suggestions without taking some time to reflect almost negates any benefit gained elsewhere.
2. Get in the zone. Not only will these be your most productive moments in life (the 20% of the time where you accomplish 80% of the results) but it will be a boost to your confidence that will alter the decisions you make elsewhere in life.
3. Make it a point to do something bold every day. Step out of your comfort zone, leave the routine even if for only a second. This might mean talking to someone that you generally wouldn’t talk to or starting a project that you feel intimidated by. There is no need to plan it in advance–though that might help at times, usually though you’ll find a point during the day when ‘two paths diverge in the woods’ and you have the change to take the one less travelled by. Take it.
4. Learn something new. Pick a topic, preferably something you know nothing about and learn something about it. A good source of inspiration for this can be the newspaper or Wikipedia. It helps to retain it if you have time to make a note of what you learned or explain it to someone else, but even if you don’t get the chance to do that, your brain will thank you for the new patterns you introduce as you learn something new every day.
5. Debate something. If you think you know about something, nothing will prove it like arguing it with someone who’s smarter or more informed than you. Find a friend you can debate with who has ideas that are different from your and who won’t be offended by debating them–this is easier said than done, but it can provide you with some of the best mental stimulation possible.
6. Spend time with a child. If you have one, consider yourself lucky, if you don’t, I bet you have friends who would be happy to let you borrow theirs for a few minutes (or hours). It doesn’t matter what age they are, children see the world entirely different. Look at it from their eyes. Be their hero. Appreciate what they appreciate. Enjoy the simple things again. You’ll love it and they’ll love you for it.
7. Go outside. If you don’t naturally spend time outside, make it a point to do it more. There’s something about the expanse of the sky that will bring out your inner philosopher.
8. Recognize what makes you happy. Reflect on the parts of your day that bring you real satisfaction. Everyone is working towards something, but what makes you happy now? Rate your overall satisfaction with your quality of life for each day on a scale of 1 to 10, focus on the things that happened that pushed the number higher rather than what made it lower. Try to incorporate more of what made you happy yesterday into today.
9. Stop broken thoughts. Broken thoughts are those subtle patterns that aren’t quite big enough to fall into the bad habits category. This means that despite their harmful effect they often escape under the radar. Broken thoughts often take the form of justifications. Examples? I’m just going to leave my dish here by the sink, I’ll wash it later (when you know your spouse will end up washing it). I’m bookmarking this article to read later (how often do you ever go back and read old bookmarked articles?). I’ll hang my shirt up later (when you know it will be there for a week before you touch it).
10. Don’t stress about it.The purpose of improving your life is just that–improving it. A good way to tell if any of these steps are worthwhile is that you’ll feel better not only after you doing them but while you’re doing them.
          Once you’ve eliminated dread then it’s probable that a large portion of the stress will be gone  
          from your life. Of course there is no way to simplify every cause of stress down to one small
          list but you can at least eliminate most self-imposed stress and this includes stress imposed by
          trying to do things to improve your life.
          That’s it! Hopefully you’ve been able to glean a bit of useful information from the articles over
          the last ten days. If you have (even if you haven’t) I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
          As I stated in the beginning of the series I really believe that if the things I’ve suggested in
          these articles are applied to daily life they will really improve the quality of your life and
          provide you with meaningful experiences and memories.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

2014 - Tony Robbins. Awaken The Giant Within!

Welcome to my new Blog! I am here for a reason- as most people, I have gone through some tough times and obstacles in my life, where I ended up just caught up in current day to day challenges or priorities and forgot myself and ended up making some bad choices and decisions during best part of my 30s. One day I woke up, heading towards my 40th birthday fast, yet my life hasn't gone anywhere and felt that I haven't truly lived, enjoyed success, had the lifestyle I deserved and most of all be happy with the choices I made in life.

I have started to take calculated risks in that I wanted to change my life for better. It is still a work in progress but I am finally beginning to make decisions to see how I can push boundaries beyond my comfort zone and really feel the pain which allows me to focus in taking actions to make my life better and live the lifestyle I so long craved for and enhance my quality of life.

I fell into this great book by Anthony Robbins when I've decided to do something about my life and take charge of my own destiny. He goes through your beliefs and fear of change and make into step by step process (4 crucial stages) to take ultimate decisions to lead a successful life and to harness the powers of decison making (6 key steps) to empower your choices.

As I go through this new journey to condition my mindset and to take charge of my life, I've decided to share this with you as I learn new techniques and tips to take control of your own life and decide your own life's destiny.

I would welcome you to engage with this post and blog in general to share your own experiences with the rest of the members so that every one of us can learn something new and challenge our limited beliefs to enhance our own lifestyles.

Come on everyone- awaken and let that inner giant within you FREE!